
Home Alone?

Dogs can suffer from boredom, separation anxiety, stress, puppy hood!

Dogs can destroy shoes especially very expensive ones in a matter of seconds. Dogs can destruct a couch and cushion in a matter of minutes (feather filled cushions are favorites... they like to see the feathers fly and they can pretend they are hunting birds!).

Dogs left alone can counter surf (at least ours do!!)... so what happened to the bread that was going to make sandwiches? or the fruit bowl with apples? how about the cat food? ... or anything defrosting on the counter!!!

Daycare provides a safe and fun and activity packed environment where dogs can be dogs and where dogs can brag about their exploits! (i.e. "I snagged the steak off the counter last night... what did you do?").

Daycare helps reduce stress and boredom.

Daycare helps with separation anxiety.

Daycare provides puppies with lots of exercise and social interaction where they are taught "Dog Manners" by other dogs.

Dr. Dunbar thinks that early puppyhood daycare is a necessity to produce a stable, well rounded older dog.

Daycare is great for the dog that is not getting enough exercise at home and can lead to a good amount of weight loss (for both our staff and our daycares)!

Daycare is for the perfect dog that likes sitting outside and watching the leaves fall and the birds fly or smelling the bacon cooking next door. (Not so perfect dogs like sniffing each other!)

A tired, happy dog makes for a peaceful home!!

Daycare Pictures


$22.50/day or $100/week.

Multiple dogs:

$22.50/day for first dog,
$20/day for the second dog
$16/day for the third dog

more that 3 dogs? Ask us!

Daycare with board is also available.

Dogs attending our daycare program $10/day while boarding

Newcomers $20/day while boarding (subject to evaluation for the safety of all dogs in the group).

All dogs in our daycare program must be spayed or neutered for their safety! They are the ones that will get picked on!